
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Updates on my Photography Journey

After using the Olympus 12-40/2.8 PRO lens for 3 months, I decided to sell away as I got the 12-32/3.5-5.6 from a buddy for travel.

Got itchy and bought a Panasonic GX8 as I quite liked the tilting viewfinder and then got the Panasonic 12-60/3.5-5.6.  Tried the lens on the EM5II but it kept giving over exposed shots when the same setting did not affect the other lenses I have.

In the end, I sold the 12-60mm to another buddy who was looking for it for his Panasonic GX85 body.  I got poisoned and started looking for the body too, but was dissuaded from buyiong it unless I do a lot of videos.

The buddy who got me into m43 persuaded me to buy his Panasonic Leica 15mm F1.7 and I found it to be a good lens, but I kind of missed the WR of the 12-40/2.8 and so I used the money instead for another 12-40/2.8 as I missed the wider end.  I also sold away the 12-32mm as I had no use for it.  So I feel that my m43 lust has been completed.

I then got a friend to buy for me the battery grip for the K1 so that I can use it in portrait mode easily.  Price had gone down and it was with it.  Next was getting another beauty dish for my other strobe as well as a Bowens adapter for it.  Will be trying out the collapsable beauty dish soon at another portrait shoot.