
Wednesday, January 6, 2016


This morning, one of my BEST PA Crew got busted for carrying a pack of cigarettes to school.   The DM decided that he is ALL KNOWING and so decided on PA OIC/TICs behalf to suspend her from PA duties without consulting us about it first.

I even spoke to him to ask that he let her come back so that we can use her to conduct camp in June 2016 and it is when the Sec 4s officially step down from the CA, but HE did not even bother to consider my request.

I see this place as no more future as the so called DM/Teacher/Counsellor oes not even give a kid a chance to repent and decides that this is how she should be punished.

Now he writes an email to the teachers and then in the email asks the school counsellor to ensure that she is fine????
